What's New
General Meeting on June 1, 2002
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What's New 

Time: 2:30 - 7:00 pm
Date: June 1, 2002
Venue: Sandy Hill Community Centre - 250 Somerset Street East


  • Cultural affirmation
  • Introductory speech - electoral committee
  • Electoral procedures
  • Presentations by candidates
  • Voting/Counting of ballots
  • Presentation of new executives/acceptance speech
  • Other matters
  • Adjournment

  • Nomination Procedure

  • Prospective candidates should campaign, and share their manifestoes with members.
  • Prospective candidates should also forward their bios with pictures to the electoral commission for posting on the association's website
  • Nominations drive (May 1 to May 25, 2002). Completed application forms should be sent to the electoral committee via Fred Donkor at fred_donkor@sympatico.ca or (613) 831-2792
  • Nominations received after May 25, 2002 will be rejected.
  • Each nominations must be seconded by another member.
  • You must be a paid up member to participate in the election. You can pay your dues at the gate.
  • A member can be nominated for at most 1 position.
  • Check the constitution for duties of the executive members.

  • Candidates Page