Application Form for the Election of Executive Officers for

Application Form for the Election of Executive Officers for

The Ghana Association of Ottawa* 

An election of Ghana Association of Ottawa Executive Officers is scheduled for Saturday, June 01, 2002, from 2:30 to 7:00 p.m. at the Sandy Hill Community Centre (250 Sommerset East, Ottawa, Tel. 564-1062).  

Completed forms should reach the Elections Committee on or before May 25, 2002. All completed application forms should be sent to Mr. Fred Donkor at  



Name: ______________________________________________________ 

Address: ___________________________________________________


Position(s) interested in (Visit the Ghana Association Website at for the Association's Constitution for available positions and their functions) 

  1. _________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________________

  1. __________________________________________________


Experience in relation to position interested: (attach a one-pager summary) 

Please provide the name of one paid-up member who supports your application 




_________________________     ________________

Signature of Applicant       Date 




*** Please attach a current picture to be posted on the Association's Website 

*This Application Form is also available at the Ghana Association Website