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The name of the organization shall be “THE GHANA ASSOCIATION OF OTTAWA “, hereinafter referred to as “The Association”. 



To provide an opportunity for Ghanaians and other members to meet and interact with the purpose of meeting the objectives in Article 3. 



    1. To organize, to support and to encourage participation of as many members and their families as possible in social activities.

    1. To promote programs of informational and educational activities of interest to the majority of members.

    1. To represent the interest of members within the community and Canada at large.

    1. To try to mediate and resolve misunderstandings among members.

    1. To assist and protect members and fellow Ghanaians in difficulty where possible.

    1. To contribute towards Ghana’s national development.

    1. To promote cooperation between the Association and other associations with similar interests.



    1. Membership in the Association shall be open to all Ghanaians, their families and all persons in Ottawa and surrounding areas who subscribe to the aim and objectives of the Association.

    1. Notwithstanding Article 4.1, membership of the Executive Committee shall be restricted to Ghanaians and their families.



    1. All members shall pay an annual membership fee which shall be set at each Annual General Meeting by the Executive Committee and approved by a majority of the membership present.

    1. Special consideration shall be given to student members.

    1. Any member who has not paid the annual membership fee can participate in an election and can stand for office provided that such a member is fully paid-up not less than three months prior to the election.

    1. Any member who has not paid the annual membership fee can participate in any or all activities planned by the Association, provided that such a member pays the said fee at the time of participation.

    1. For the purposes of determining the amount of fees owed by existing members, the annual membership fee shall be paid from January 1st of each year; new members shall pay membership fees effective from the date of becoming a member.



    1. The Executive Committee shall consist of nine members who shall hold the following offices:

    • President
    • Vice-President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Social Activities Officer
    • Membership Affairs Officer
    • Communications Officer
    • 2 Members without portfolio

    1. Additional members may be co-opted by the Executive Committee in the absence of any member.



    1. The Executive Committee shall:

  1. be responsible for the on-going management of the Association,
  2. submit recommendations for amendments to the Constitution and By-laws for the approval of the membership,
  3. give prior approval to all monies spent on behalf of the Association,
  4. act on behalf of the Association in emergencies.

    1. The President

  1. The President shall chair all general and Executive Committee meetings.
  2. The President shall present an annual report at the Annual General Meeting.
  3. The President shall represent the Association on all public matters or in consultation with the Vice-President delegate such responsibility to any member of the Association.

    1. The Vice-President

    The Vice-President shall act in the absence of the President and shall be responsible for all public relations activities of the Association. 

    1. The Secretary

    The Secretary shall:

  1. maintain minutes and records of all meetings.
  2. Inform members of all matters relating to the proper functioning of the Association.

    1. The Treasurer

    The Treasurer shall:

  1. be responsible for collecting the annual membership fees, funds and all contributions to the Association that may be required from time to time.
  2. be responsible for the safekeeping of all assets of the Association.
  3. have publish in the Association Newsletter, a quarterly financial statement, list of all paid members and present a report of the Association’s financial position at each Annual General Meeting and each Executive Committee meeting.

    1. Social Activities Officer

    The Social Activities Officer shall be the chairperson of the Social Activities Committee and shall coordinate all activities of the Committee, subject to the provisions of Article 8.4. 

    1. Membership Affairs Officer

    The Membership Affairs Officer shall be the chairperson of the Membership Committee and shall coordinate all activities of the committee, subject to the provisions of Article 8.5. 



    1. There shall be constituted the following standing committees:

  1. Social Activities Committee
  2. Membership Committee
  3. Ghana Affairs Committee

    1. Membership of standing committees shall be either voluntary or by nomination by the Executive Committee or by the membership at large.

    1. The Executive Committee shall present an annual program of activities at the first general meeting of the year or after the elections.

    1. Social Activities Committee

    The Social Activities Committee shall be responsible for the development and implementation of an annual program of social and entertainment activities. 

    1. Membership Committee

    The Membership Committee shall:

  1. actively recruit new members,
  2. be responsible for all matters concerning the welfare of members,
  3. mediate and resolve dispute among members as specified in Article 3.4,
  4. make recommendations for assisting members and other Ghanaians in need as specified in Article 3.5.

    1. Ghana Affairs Committee

    The Ghana Affairs Committee shall be responsible for the development and implementation of programs aimed at contributing to the development of Ghana as specified in Article 3.6, and shall also: 

  1. monitor and communicate to the Association matters concerning Ghana which in the opinion of the Committee should be brought to the attention of the Association,
  2. act as liaison between the Association and the Ghana High Commission in Canada, with a view to promoting maximum cooperation between the two.

    1. The Communications Committee

    The Communication Committee shall: 

  1. monitor and communicate to the Association matters concerning Ghana which in the opinion of the committee should be brought to the attention of the Association.
  2. publish the Newsletter of the Association.
  3. encourage, through the Newsletter of the Association, discussion of issues fundamental to the Association and its members.
  4. promote the programs of the Association.



    1. General Meetings and the Annual General Meeting

    The Association shall have four general meetings, one of which shall be the Annual General Meeting; the Secretary shall give notice to each member, at least 14 days prior to the date of the meeting. 

    1. Special Meetings

    A special general meeting may be called by a quorum of membership as defined in Article 10.2, with notice given to the secretary at least 14 days in advance of the meeting; unless the majority of paid-up members present at the meeting vote otherwise, no business shall be transacted at any such meetings other than that which is specified in the notice or is relevant thereto. 

    1. Voting

    Voting shall be by show of hands at meetings; all elections shall be by secret balloting. 



    1. A quorum for the executive shall be made up of five persons.

    1. The quorum for all meetings shall be 50% of the paid-up membership or 10 paid-up members, whichever is the lesser number.



  1. The election of Executive Officers shall be held every two years at the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The Executive Committee shall establish, three months prior to elections, an Election Committee made up of three members.
  3. The Election Committee shall organize and supervise the election of officers and shall circulate notice of elections to all members at least one month prior to the date of election.
  4. The Election Committee shall be dissolved fourteen days after the elections, if no complaint of impropriety is received within the period.
  5. Resignation from office shall be by letter to the Secretary.
  6. The Executive Committee may appoint an interim replacement when a position becomes vacant; the position so affected shall be filled at the next general meeting, subject to the provisions of Article 5.3.
  7. A member of the Executive Committee shall resign from office if a two-thirds majority of paid-up members present and voting at a special general meeting called for such a purpose, expresses lack of confidence in that member; resignation under this Article shall be effective from the date of the vote.
  8. A motion of confidence under Article 11.4 shall be sponsored by a minimum of ten paid-up members.




    1. Duly proposed amendments to the Constitution shall be submitted in writing, with names and signatures of a proposer and a seconder, to the Secretary who shall then give due notice at least 14 days in advance of the meeting at which the vote is to be taken.

    1. The proposer and seconder shall meet the requirements set out in Article 5.3.

    1. A majority vote of the paid-up membership is required for amending the Constitution.

    1. All By-Laws may be amended by majority vote at a general meeting.





  1. All cheques drawn on the Association’s bank accounts shall be jointly signed by the treasurer and either the President, Vice-President or Secretary.



  1. The Membership Committee shall, on behalf of the Association, welcome all newly arriving Ghanaians to Ottawa, and shall present to them pertinent information on the Association including a copy of the Constitution.

  1. The Membership Committee shall on behalf of the Association, send appropriate greeting and well-wishing cards to members in the event of a bereavement, hospitalization or birth in a member’s family.

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